SolarWinds IT Management Platform

SolarWinds Software

ICT environment in control thanks to clear monitoring

Simple, powerful and secure monitoring for hybrid networks - highly scalable and built to reduce outages and deliver performance:

  • Modular monitoring solution
  • Highly professional and affordable
  • Intuitive and easy to apply after implementation
  • Clear and easy to customize dashboards
  • Valuable management information about your business processes and functionalities
  • Proactive management
  • SolarWinds Partner and reseller - with the widest range of SolarWinds services within the Benelux

SolarWinds modules for:

SolarWinds Network Management - icon

Network management

Improve the performance of and insight into your ICT network

Automate IT network management tasks

SolarWinds Network Security Tools - icon


Use these Network Security tools to

To get and to keep your ICT infrastructure safe

SolarWinds Application Management - icon

Application management

Deliver an excellent user experience and solve problems

Even before users notice it

SolarWinds Data Management

Database Performance

Improve and monitor database performance of a.o. Oracle, SQL, Server, SAP ASE and DB2

SolarWinds Systems Management

Systems management

Ensure a reliable infrastructure for your applications and storage with an extensive toolset

SolarWinds Helpdesk Tool - icon


Simplify your ICT Service Management, streamline support and improve the user experience

SolarWinds Observability - options

SolarWinds Sample Dashboard

SolarWinds monitoring -

extensive functionality

  • 24/7 real-time overview in one dashboard
    • Network components
    • Servers
    • Applications
    • Databases
    • Storage
    • Cloud
  • Advanced alerting and escalation
  • Management dashboards
  • Status overview of your business processes (chain monitoring)
  • Technical and helpdesk dashboards
SolarWinds NPM Orion Quality of Experience
  • Pro-active network management – preventing disruptions
  • Drill down – zoom in to the lowest component
  • Simple interpretation of complex data
  • Trending and capacity management
  • Extensive reports
  • Real-time information
  • Brand independent overview and insight
  • Continuous software development and updates

Get in control of your ICT network?